Out-Of-Home Advertising

It is all well to be carried away by the digital world but out-of-home advertising has neither lost its demand nor relevance in recent years. With the advent of new technologies, out-of-home advertising has become smarter and more impactful. Let us look at the industry and its future prospects.

Out-of-Home Advertising
What does it mean?

If you step out of your home, you cannot miss the in-your-face advertising be it in the form of Unipoles, bus shelters, metros, hoardings and so on. If you are looking at an ad display which is not on a digital medium like your smartphone, laptop or television it forms part of out-of-home advertising.

In combination with advanced digital technology, out-of-home advertising has become a potent weapon in the marketer’s arsenal.

Benefits of Out-of-Home


Out-of-Home advertising has been in vogue for a long time and in spite of the digital revolution and the proliferation of smartphones, they will not lose their relevance as long as people are mobile.


No matter which transport you use or where you walk on the street, you simply cannot miss the billboards or the advertising captions. At the bus shelter or at the Metro station you will encounter these colourful ads everywhere.


They cater to a captive audience or an audience on the move but it is difficult to miss these ads in your daily life. This clearly gives you an idea of the power and reach of out-of-home advertising.


The catchy slogans and colourful creatives leave a lasting impact on the minds of viewers leading to instant recall when they see them on their digital devices.

Benefits of Choosing OOH Advertisement

Creation of impactful communication :
Unlike a television ad that can be turned off or a digital ad that can be surfed through, a billboard or an advertisement at the bus shelter or metro cannot be ignored. This is the main reason why marketers cannot ignore out-of-home advertising.

An Avenue for your Creative Spark :
Out-of-Home advertising provides a broad canvas for creative ads and you can create great pieces for your brand. You can even use digital tools to create ads that leave a lasting impact on the minds of the target audience.

Digitization of Ads :
Digital ads have become an integral part of out-of-home advertising leading to the delivery of personalized messages to the target group.

Real-Time Purchase :
In a fast-paced world, the time between viewing the ad and actual purchase has reduced considerably forcing advertisers to adapt to the dynamic needs of customers and catering to them.

Location, Location, Location :
The most important determinant of the success of an Out-of-Home advertising campaign is the location. Data analytics can be used to measure the success of locations and determine the perfect site. The demographics of the target group in any location will decide what kind of ad to deliver for high visibility and success. Campaign impressions can be measured to assess the ROI of the campaign.

Data Analytics :
New methods of measuring movement around specified areas help to measure and gauge the visibility and success of OOH campaigns. This helps in better judgement and mid-course correction if needed.

Premier Advertising & OOH Solutions

We at Premier Advertising Offer Various OOH Advertising Solutions for your brand for PAN India visibility.

We have on offer the following media options to design the perfect mix of
outdoor / out of home advertising plan for your brand:


Ad poles or Unipoles as they are called are an excellent method to improve the visibility of your brand.

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Bus Que Shelter

Bus Queue Shelters form a unique medium for brand promotion to a captive audience.

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Millions of commuters use the Metro train daily to get to their workplace, schools, colleges etc.

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Brand Activation

Brand activation is how you raise the awareness of your brand and engage your target audience.

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