Television Advertisement

At Premier Advertising we provide comprehensive TV advertising plans that cover advertisements, airtime and data analytics so that your brand gets the best value for money.

Why you should consider TV
Advertising for your Brand.

Television is the most common and widely used medium of entertainment among all age groups in India. This makes it the most powerful advertising platform. The future looks exciting for brands planning to advertise on television.

Premier advertising offers the most competitive rates with a great return on investment ratio. We help brands identify the best slots for maximum visibility to the target audience.

Points to consider for Television Advertising


Advertising on television enables you to reach local, regional and country-wide audiences easily. So, it becomes imperative to time the spots correctly.


We help clients to adjust the length of the ad and emphasise the right content to ensure that it has the right reach and frequency to impact the target group.


We aim to understand the needs of the brand and fix the spots to ensure maximum viewing by the target audience.


We use metrics like TRP, CPRP, frequency and incremental reach to draw up the ideal media plan for television for your brand.


We have the necessary expertise to work with the most complex target groups, especially for channels which are viewed by both kids and parents.


We ensure that your brand ads run at the right time and at the right interval for maximum reach.

We make sure you pick the right program and the right slot. Viewership data provided by BARC is analysed to deliver customised brand strategies for our clients. We help brands derive the best outcomes by using television advertising as a potent weapon.

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